Saturday, May 31, 2008

busy, busy, busy

i just wanted to profess my love for Pigma Brush Pens. they make it easy to get the best line quality. the only downfall is that the tips are pretty delicate and I tend to draw heavy-handed, so i ruin a bunch when i'm busy. i now buy them in bulk at so its a little easier to toss them when i tear one up.

the actual art that these created will be posted as soon as the product hits the shelves. i'm super excited about it!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

the revision game

not as fun as it sounds.

as much as i was frustrated by the process... i'm equally happy with the final outcome.

a tip for illustrators and designers just starting out:

Monday, May 19, 2008

viva las vegas

random high fives/jello shots at the mgm pool
kicking ass at a new york new york blackjack table
cab driver quote "fuck you, cockhead"
the double down
nun-chuck microphones
bacon martini
adam, "are you having the salmon or the fish?"
adam + red wine = awesomeness
long cab lines + old guy making fun of adam = "dude, your wife is hot"
i don't know how some one can sleep like that
CONGRATS RON & ANGIE!!!! thanks for giving us all a reason to party!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

pacsun graffiti cap

did this pattern and design some time ago. should be in a pacsun store at a mall near you or at their online shop. here's my mock up art and pics of the product.